Step-by-Step Process of an Ear Surgery in Delhi: What to Expect

Introduction to Ear Surgeries in Delhi Ear surgeries are delicate medical procedures that aim to correct various ear-related issues, such as hearing loss, infections, and structural abnormalities. In Delhi, ORL International Hospital specializes in providing advanced and comprehensive ear surgeries to patients. This detailed guide outlines the step-by-step process of ear surgery in Delhi and what patients can expect throughout their treatment journey. Understanding Ear Surgeries Ear surgeries encompass a wide range of procedures, including: 1. Tympanoplasty A tympanoplasty repairs the eardrum (tympanic membrane) and middle ear bones (ossicles) to restore hearing and treat chronic ear infections. 2. Mastoidectomy Mastoidectomy is performed to remove infected mastoid air cells and treat chronic ear infections that have spread to the mastoid bone. 3. Stapedectomy Stapedectomy corrects hearing loss caused by otosclerosis, a condition where the stapes bone becomes fixed, limiting so...